
“Old Country”

Gigantic Sequins

"Dear Brother”

The Evansville Review

“On the Limits of Baptismal Water”

“Escape : Flee”

Sinking City


Harpy Hybrid Review

“Salem: Still of a Hometown”

“Weight We Carry”

“Aurora: Still of a Hometown”


“At Least Crows Plot Their Recklessness”

“Have You Ever Been Asked To Leave An Airport Chili’s?”

Public Pool


The River Bluff Review


“The Bass Player”

Emerge Literary Journal

“Learning to Speak”

Five South

"We can learn from this, you know”


The Mark Literary Review

“Grief’s Mercy”

“In a dream where I’m with an estranged relative”

Not Deer Magazine

“(A Death in) Stages”